Award Giovedì Scienza


ScreenNeuropharm si aggiudica il premio Giovedì Scienza Futuro di GiovedìScienza.

June 03, 2021

Riconoscimento Fidapa BPW Italy-Genova Due


Venerdì 12 marzo ScreenNeuroPharm ha esposto la propria idea imprenditoriale all’associazione FIDAPA BPW Italy-Genova Due. Un onore e un immenso piacere.

March 12, 2021

Award Pari Opportunità Fidapa Section Genova Due 2020


ScreenNeuroPharm An in vitro to save the in vivo. The chosen project allows the engineering of cell cultures in vitro capable of emulating physiology in vivo for drug screening and the development of new cell models. The Team is made up of Dr. Martina Brofiga, Dr. Marietta Pisano, Dr. Francesca Callegari, and Eng. Paolo Massobrio and, therefore, the prevalence of women is marked. In our opinion, this project is innovative, clear, and technologically valid also in terms of feasibility. It allows a cost reduction in pharmacological development and promises more effective research on neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore, in the chosen business idea is recognized a socially useful goal and valid purpose of drastically reducing animal testing. The corporate structure and the company organization chart provide for a female figure at the top as CEO, and this undoubtedly appears to be a merit, even in the Scientific Technical Committee, women are the majority; Therefore, a primary role is emerging for the female team which, together with the scientific rigor of the startup, have favored our choice.
The President, Luisa Innocenti

October 29, 2020